Best Price Guarantee
If you find one of our stocked products for a cheaper price elsewhere, we'll match it! Simply record the details, contact us and we'll process your order over the phone. It's as easy as that.

1. Record the Details
We will need to know the following details: The website (or store) name, a link to the product, product name & model, product size (where applicable), the warranty offered, and the total price of the product including shipping.
2. Let Us Know
Contact us via phone or here and we will double check that all of the details are correct.
3. We'll Match It!
We'll process your order with you over the phone to adjust the price and we'll get your order ready for delivery!
Terms & Conditions:
The competitor's product must be distributed by a New Zealand retailer (overseas retailers or Amazon US imports will not be matched).
The competitor's product must be marked as in stock.
Price includes shipping and GST.
If the competitor has a lower price but a shorter guarantee, the guarantee will be matched.
The product must be exactly the same. This includes the same manufacturer, product model, size (where applicable) and what's included with purchase.
Must be a publicly advertised price.
Does not include cash back offers.
Does not include bulk/commercial prices available to retailers.
The competitor's price must be in New Zealand dollars only.
The Best Price Guarantee does not include the same product sold by individuals on marketplace or auction sites (e.g. Trade Me).
Does not include products that are on clearance as a result of closing down.
Does not include seconds, refurbished, ex-demonstration or display products.
K9 Control reserves the right to limit the number of products available for purchase at the price-match offer.